As outlined by OAC Canada staff man, Greg Barclay

(BEFORE and AFTER pictures showing how your sketch board should look at the bottom of this page)

I have known some people who don�t know who their father is and it�s a very sad situation indeed. Even worse are some people who know their father but don�t have any kind of meaningful relationship with him. I think the biggest problem in the world today is that we have an ID problem, an identity crisis. People don�t know who they are, where they came from or what their purpose is in life. Some people have made this problem worse by teaching that we came from monkeys and that we are just a product of chance.  They tech that our lives have no real purpose and they claim to have discovered this conclusion as a result of science. I want to clear something up. First of all there are TWO kinds of science: FIRST, there is Operational science: that which gives us cures for diseases, faster computers, MRI machines etc. This is the science that we can test and see the results. SECONDLY, is the science of origins; where did we come from. It is in this second area that there is disagreement between scientists because we were not there to see what happened, so we interpret the EVIDENCE from a faith-view based on our beliefs. If we believe in evolution, we interpret from that viewpoint.  If we believe in creation we interpret from that viewpoint.

But lets take a look at some evidence quickly. For example, the human cell was thought in the past to be very SIMPLE, but advances in science have allowed us to see that the cell is very complex. In fact it is like a small city having many different parts to it that are essential if it is to live and function. Should you take one of these parts away the cell will die. This is a scientific law called �The law of irreducible complexity�. What this means is that you cannot break the cell down any farther than it is or it will die, meaning that it needs all its parts to live.  So the question is, how could this cell evolve? Many leading scientists, some of them experts in their fields have looked at this and other evidence with an unbiased mindset and said; I can no longer believe in evolution, there has to be an intelligent designer behind it all and have moved to a position of I.D. Some of these scientists have moved even further along and realized that when the historical, archeological and scientific evidence is interpreted using the Bible that it  makes sense and erases the questions we have about life. Who we are, where we came from, what is our purpose here and where are we going. In fact the scientist who invented the MRI machined is a man who believed the Bible to be true.

The Bible says that �in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth�. He set the STARS in the sky, He created you and me to have a relationship with Him so that He could love and bless us. But the Bible says �we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God� and as a result death has entered the world. �The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ�. God sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for your sins because He loves you. He was buried in a tomb and rose from the grave alive to prove that He was God. This is firmly rooted in evidence. He did this for you, but he says that you have to repent of your sins and turn to Jesus Christ to be saved from an eternity separated from God in Hell. You were created for Heaven.

Don�t let the evolutionists make a monkey out of you. Won�t you turn to Jesus Christ today and be obedient in all He instructs through His Word, the Bible. Let God be your Heavenly Father so that you can live with him forever and the Bible says that �times of refreshing will come from the Lord and He will give you his Holy Spirit�, and a new life in Christ.




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